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R and RStudio

R is installed as a module. Each version has a number of libraries installed within it.

If you would like a new library installed, please email

If you would like to use RStudio, we recommend you use the Katana OnDemand service.

Installing librariesΒΆ

Please try installing R libraries yourself before contacting the service desk.

If you want to install a library from CRAN_, github or your own R library for testing or non-general usage, you can use the regular method and the library will be installed locally:

Create directory inside your home directory for the source code, and clone the library (if using Git):

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone 

Start R or RStudio and install

    > library('devtools')
    > getwd()
    [1] "/home/z1234567/src"
    > install('mypackage')
    * DONE (mypackage)