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Environment Modules

Environment Modules are a means of changing your environment to run specfic versions of installed sotware. This section provides information on how they are used on Katana.

How do I discover what software is available?

[z1234567@katana ~]$ module avail 

-------------------------- /share/apps/modules/intel ---------------------------
intel/11.1.080(default)  intel/  intel/  intel/

--------------------------- /share/apps/modules/pgi ----------------------------

-------------------------- /share/apps/modules/matlab --------------------------
matlab/2007b          matlab/2010b          matlab/2012a(default)
matlab/2008b          matlab/2011a          matlab/2012b
matlab/2009b          matlab/2011b          matlab/2013a

What if the software that I want is not on the list?

If you require additional software installed on Katana then please email the details to including URLs and the version number that you wish installed.

How do I add a particular version of software to my environment?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module add matlab/2018b

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module load matlab/2018b

Which versions of software am I currently using?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module list
    Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
     1) intel/   2) matlab/2018b

How do I remove a particular version of software from my environment?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module rm matlab/2018b


[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module unload matlab/2018b

How do I remove all modules from my environment?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module purge

How do I find out more about a particular piece of software?

You can find out more about a piece of software by using the module help command. For example:

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module help mrbayes

----------- Module Specific Help for 'mrbayes/3.2.2' --------------

MrBayes 3.2.2 is installed in /apps/mrbayes/3.2.2

This module was complied against beagle/2.1.2 and openmpi/1.6.4 with MPI support.

More information about the commands made available by this module is available

How do I switch between particular versions of software?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module switch matlab/2018b matlab/2017b

How can I find out what paths and other environment variables a module uses?

[z1234567@katana1 ~]$ module show mothur/1.42.3

module-whatis     Mothur 1.42.3 
conflict     mothur 
setenv         MOTHUR_ROOT /apps/mothur/1.42.3 
prepend-path     PATH /apps/mothur/1.42.3/bin 
setenv         LAST_MODULE_TYPE bio 
setenv         LAST_MODULE_NAME mothur/1.42.3 
setenv         LAST_MODULE_VERSION 1.42.3 

Why does the cluster forget my choice of modules?

Environment modules are desined to make a temporary change to your evironment and only affect the session in which they are loaded. Loading a module in one SSH session will not affect any other SSH session or any jobs submitted from that session. Modules must be loaded in every session where they will be used.

How can I invoke my module commands automatically?

Add environment module commands to your job script. This approach is useful for preserving the required environment for each job. For example:


#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb
#PBS -j oe

module purge
module add intel/



How do module files interact with Perl, Python and R?

Perl, Python and R all have their own library/module systems: CPAN, PyPI and CRAN. Information on installing a library or module for yourself can be found on the help pages for Perl, Python and R. If you are having difficulty installing the library or module then can help you. Please email such requests to